“Today I accept my flaws and love myself for who I am.

Through acceptance comes freedom.”



This mindset moves us away from often harsh judgement of ourselves and allows us to break away from thoughts of guilt or unfairness.

First and foremost is accepting yourself with all your flaws. Accept your skin, color, caste, decisions, mistakes etc. Then only you will be able to embrace others. We often hurt ourselves and others because we aren’t happy within ourselves.

Start with accepting yourself, don’t worry what people say about you. Remove the self-doubt because of people’s opinion.  If you are happy and admire yourself you have won the battle within.



Movies showcase and we believe, when our mind is hijacked and we follow our heart means we are in love. Love is a human emotion. It’s been drilled in our mind love your family, friends, husband, wife, children. We keep sharing that heart emoji endlessly in messages, social media. But what about loving ourself.

Do we actually do that? Do we accept ourselves the way we are?

We try to find love in someone else’s eyes. But we forget love has to be found within. We want to be loved, appreciated and adored by others, ignore self-acceptance and self-appreciation.  In return suffer pain as things don’t turn as we want them to be. When you learn to love yourself then only you can love others whole heartedly.



It is our Fundamental right. When you have accepted yourself with all your flaws and it is your choice whether you will work towards rectifying your flaws or living with those flaws. There comes the real freedom.

 Just listen to your heart what you actually want to do with yourself.

Forget about what people/society will say. As everyone has the right to speech. Most important is listening to your own speech. Believing your inner self. As it is said about Love: Hijack your brain and follow your heart will be your real Freedom.

Dedicated to my Students.

By: Sabrina Maini

Spoken English Instructor

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