How to reduce examination stress?

For some students, exams and revision is like their left-hand game. For few, exam is like a monster. Due to examination stress, they get nervous, get anxiety attacks, have sweaty palms, and have heart palpitations.

Firstly, we all have to understand that it is just an exam, not a do-or-die race for which you get anxiety attacks. Few points to keep in mind:• You have to be calm • Relax • Have a mindset that you can easily cover the syllabus• Revise after completing the syllabus• Believe in yourself• Don’t doubt your capabilities• Self-doubt obviously gives you stress

Here are the best ways to deal with your stress during the exam time:

1. Exercise and eat healthy

Exercise will help you in boosting your mood. Go out for a walk, run or cycle and use it is as an advantage. Exercise gets your blood flowing and your heart pumping. It is a proven stressbuster as it fills your brain with endorphins, which are basically happy hormones. Also, the idea of healthy eating is great during stressful times.

2. Revision Timetable

Timetable is helpful for revising without any stress, step-by-step, and on time. All you have to do is make a revision schedule and maintain-to-do lists. Make sure to add regular breaks in your timetable after every one and a half hours. That’s how you get control of your daily routine and you feel good.

3. Talk to someone 

If the stress of the exams starts affecting your daily life and it is affecting your health, you should go and talk to someone who can help in this situation.

4. Don’t compare yourself 

When you start discussing your topics with your friends or classmates, try not to compare your preparation with them. This can result in disturbing your whole routine, which you follow and the only thing you get is stress, as you tend to feel that you are not as progressive as your friend or classmate. And we all hear that: “Comparison is the thief of joy”.

5. Take a break from social media

Taking a step back from social media is the best thing we can do during the exams. As checking Facebook, Instagram is the worst type of procrastination while you are revising.6. Give perspective to your worries

Taking a lot of stress is not the solution to anything.You really need to understand that. Also, keep it in your mind that the result is not end of the world. The more you worry about the exams, the more you get panicky and become negative. You put yourself under a lot of pressure. So, keep worries away because worries never solve anything.

Shakshi Dhiman

(Student at ISHYA)

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